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ADA X’mas Surf Club 忘年会パーティー
Where: KAKA'AKO Dining & Bar (神宮前店)
Size: 70 guests
This is the 1st annual Christmas Party for ADA Surf Club! Old and new friends came together and celebrated this 忘年会 with music, drinks, food, and gift exchange! PicTokyo was also there to help and celebrate with our Social Booth #hashtag printing service.
From 6pm to 10pm, KAKA’AKO opened up the bar for 4 hours of 飲み放題! Our many guest DJs took turns to play a lot of amazing dance music.
PicTokyo set up the PicTokyo Social Booth near the DJ booth. Everybody loved the PicTokyo Instagram cut out and took a lot of photos! WE used the hashtag #pictokyojp to upload photos from the event. Check out the #hashtag on Instagram and Twitter!
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